Custom Surgical Blades & Scalpels
In the dynamic world of modern medical devices, new innovations continually push the boundaries of what is possible. One crucial aspect of this progress is the development of custom micro surgical blades and scalpels. These unique blades are tailored withContinue reading
Micromachining Services
In this fast-paced world of technology, the demand for miniaturized components and micro structures continues to grow. Micromachining services have become a cornerstone of precision engineering, providing solutions that were once thought impossible. IMC Intertech LLC specializes in micro machiningContinue reading
Marker Bands for Medical Device
Manufacturing the smallest and most intricate radiopaque marker bands for medical device. We work with your custom designs to fabricate extremely small micro marker bands that meet the unique needs of your device. Marker bands are drawn as small asContinue reading
Micropolished Stainless Tubing for Medical Applications
Pushing the limits of Micropolished Stainless Tubing Advancements in medical technology are moving at a rapid pace, with industry pushing the limits in microfluidics, drug delivery, stem cell research, and more. Likewise, there is an ever growing need to innovateContinue reading