Ultra-Clean Lead Screws for Medical Devices
When it comes to medical devices, a high degree of cleanliness is absolutely crucial. In order to meet these demands, components used in these devices must meet rigorous standards to ensure safety and efficacy. Among these critical components, there isContinue reading

Lowest Backlash Lead Screws for Precision and Accuracy
In precision-driven industries like medical devices, robotics, and high-precision manufacturing, the performance of lead screws can ultimately make or break the success of an application. One critical factor is minimizing backlash, that is, the unwanted slack that can introduce errorsContinue reading

The Most Energy-efficient Lead Screws
In our current industrial landscape, energy efficiency isn't just a goal—it's a necessity. For sectors like medical device manufacturing, robotics, and automation, reducing energy consumption while maintaining high performance is crucial. Energy-efficient lead screws stand out as a key component that drivesContinue reading

Introducing The World’s Smallest Lead Screws
These miniature lead screws are among the smallest commercially available, with diameters as small as 0.5mm. That's just under the size of a grain of sugar! Miniature lead screw in action The example lead screw in the video above isContinue reading